Six-Base Air Force Portfolio
United States Air Force
Scope: Market Analysis, Financial Analysis, Investment Analysis, RFP Development, Offer/Vendor Selection Support, Contract Oversight Strategy
Services: Food and Beverage
Issue: The U.S. Air Force desired to improve the quality of life of airmen by increasing the quality and variety of food options across each of the project installations.
Process/Outcomes: CHMGS professionals were selected by the U. S. Air Force Non-Appropriated Purchasing Office (AFNAF) to support the Air Force Services Agency in a pilot project to privatize base-wide food and beverage operations at the six military installations across the U.S.
The assignment required six phases of work, including due diligence; conceptual design of the future state of the privatized portfolio; detailed market, financial, and investment modeling to support the recommended business structure, development of a consolidated RFP, evaluation of vendor proposals, and development and implementation of contract oversight tools. This project culminated in a successful bid process that solicited two responses from multinational food and beverage providers, and an award to the company that provided the best overall value to the Air Force. Post operations review indicated a dramatic increase in troop satisfaction, enhanced quality and variety of food, and introduction of more healthy alternatives; all key objectives of the project and initiative.