Olympic National Park
National Park Service
Scope: Contract Oversight, Management Strategy Development
Services: Lodging, Food and Beverage, Retail Outlets
Issue: The National Park Service desired to improve its concession contract oversight.
Process/Outcomes: The Lake Crescent Lodge concession contract at OLYM includes a 55-room lodge, 4 food and beverage outlets, and 3 retail outlets. Along with Washington Office and Park concessions professionals, CHMGS implemented a “Operational Performance Monitoring Pilot” for Olympic National Park’s Lake Crescent Lodge concession contract. CHMGS developed and implemented a communication protocol, analytical workbook, and monthly reporting structure. The results of this work positively influenced concessioner management staffing, including new General and Environmental Compliance Managers for the operation; and increased guest satisfaction in the areas of cleanliness, service, and overall value. These successes resulted in an increase in the resort’s guest satisfaction rating to #1 in its comparable market set; identified and began to strategize spending priorities for a Repair and Maintenance Reserve balance, effectively creating a strategic capital plan to accelerate the spend down of the maintenance funds before the end of contract term. Collectively, this initiative resulted in enhanced contract compliance by 100%.