Statue of Liberty National Monument
National Park Service
Scope: Market Analysis, Financial Analysis, Investment Analysis, Rate Analysis, RFP/Prospectus Development, Offeror/Vendor Selection Support
Services: Retail, Food and Beverage
Issue: The concession contract for retail and food and beverage services at the National Park Service’s (NPS) Statue of Liberty National Monument (“the Statue” or "the Park”) required market, financial, and investment analysis and to support a new concession contract. In addition, the NPS required development of the RFP document, and vendor selection panel support.
Process/Outcome: The Statue of Liberty retail and food and beverage concession operation serves a large percentage of the Statue’s average 4.4 million visitors per year. CHMGS supported the NPS on all aspects of due diligence, request-for-proposal (RFP) development, and selection of the successful offeror.
We began by assessing national and New York City tourism, retail, and food and beverage market trends. We also experienced the concession operations and interviewed current concession and Park management.
Based on Park policy, CHMGS identified a ceiling for growth in visitation to Liberty and Ellis Islands. We also recommended several changes to the concession, including simplifying the food and beverage menu, defining the levels of service at the Liberty and Ellis Island cafés, implementing a more targeted merchandise mix, and changing to the concession’s merchandising strategy.
CHMGS supported development of the RFP and draft contract and exhibit documents, including the business opportunity document marketing the opportunity and questions for offerors. We also provided financial analysis support during offeror/vendor selection process.
National Park Service, Statue of Liberty National Monument